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“I had such a little canoe and one day I sailed this canoe along a distributary of Lake Victoria. I wanted to sail up to a tree,Read More


Pope John Paul II called Wanda Błeńska “Ambassador of the missionary laity”, whereas, Archbishop Stanisław Gądecki called her “Icon of missionary life”. When she studied medicineRead More


Roman, Wanda Błeńska’s brother was captured by the Nazis during World War II. When she was informed he got seriously ill, she went to meetRead More


In 1951, Wanda Błeńska arrived to Buluba at Lake Victoria in Uganda to the centre for leprosy treatment, where he worked for next 40 yearsRead More


“That I loved my work among lepers so much, I do not treat like personal merit. This is the fulfillment of my young-girl dreams. ThisRead More


“How far I can remember, I have always had two goals: to be a doctor and to be a doctor on missions”. “When I talk to young people,Read More